Why plus-size lingerie?

The idea grew out of my anger. A revolt against the difficulties encountered when you want to seduce and can't find anything to wear.
It all started when, at the dawn of my 26th birthday, I found myself madly in love with a boy who didn't like curves. He loved me, but he didn't like my curves. What could I do about it? How could I manage to feel beautiful around him, especially in private? At the time I wasn't even very round, a good 44 with a small bust and wide hips. I had a big complex around my upper thighs and buttocks, but a relatively discreet tummy. Nothing too difficult to dress, you might say. That's what I thought too.
So I decided to buy some sexy lingerie. A bodysuit, a little babydoll, a long babydoll. Or, why not, a garter belt and stockings. It all seemed quite feasible, after all, I was more or less able to dress myself properly in 'standard' stores.
And so the road to the cross began.
First, in the lingerie store in my town, I would see magnificent models in the window, and I could even imagine myself in them. I can still see myself shyly going in and asking the sales assistant (a gorgeous young lady in a tight 38) if I could have this model in size 44-46.
And then, bang! an amused look, then a falsely sorry expression and the sentence "oh but mademoiselle, this kind of lingerie is only made up to size 40-42, and even then it depends on the model". Red as a peony, I left the store without asking for a second thought.
The next day I got in my car and drove 50km to the nearest big city, with its brand-new shopping center. There were 4 lingerie stores, one of them marked "for all women". What a treat! I was finally going to be able to afford an outfit and show my boyfriend that I could be sexy.
And then, bam! Of course it was for all women, they could even have an F or G cup, can you believe it? Nice big support sizes"... as long as you didn't go over band size 95... Of course ;-(
On the other hand, in their defense, they did have XL panties... which were so small they couldn't fit my buttocks.

So I turned to the Internet!
A few Chinese stores were offering my size, all photographed on beautiful, curvaceous mannequins. Beautiful plus-size models. I was a little wary, because buying a China, with no possibility of refund or return if it didn't fit, scared me.
But hey, it really wasn't expensive and looked so pretty. I was tempted and ordered two sets and a bodysuit. of course, on Chinese websites you have two choices: either you pay exorbitant shipping costs and it arrives in one or two weeks. Or you pay little or none, and it arrives within a month. This time I was lucky, it arrived in 27 days and, above all, I didn't have to pay any customs fees - I had slipped through the net.
Do I really need to tell you what I was sent? I think most of you have already tried, and if you're reading this it's probably because you've realized how much we've been laughed at!
My only hope was the American sites. Sites that made me dream, with real photos, reports on fashion shows, "human-sized" tables and endless models. All at democratic prices.
But they were almost impossible to order, because most of them didn't deliver to Europe, and the others forgot to specify that in addition to the (expensive) shipping costs and the amount of your order, you'd have to pay VAT and customs taxes, plus administrative fees, on every order.
All that frustration stayed in the back of my mind as time went by.
I changed boyfriends, got married and had children. I quit smoking and put on another 20kg, and as the years went by, I realized that even though we were being sold "body positive" and a wider selection of sizes in stores, the models on offer were never designed to fit women's different morphologies. French brands (and Chinese manufacturers) would take a size M model and simply add fabric to make an XXL.

And when I met Antonin, with his experience in the web and his open-mindedness towards this problem, I finally dared to create a facebook page to see how a sexy plus-size lingerie store would be received.
As a man, Antonin takes a different view of plus-size lingerie. He has a natural kindness towards our models, and knows how to put them at ease and make them look their best.
The page was an immediate success, and we've had great feedback since we put it online. People were interested, and there was a real demand for this kind of product.
So Antonin and I started looking. Asking ourselves the right questions.
We started meeting more plus-size models of all morphologies, reaching out to our customers and their husbands at trade shows. Listening to them, hearing their requests, identifying their problems. We contacted manufacturers and suppliers in the USA, Poland and Canada. It's not easy to work with the other side of the Atlantic, they don't need us, their market is well designed, they're not really interested in exporting.
But we've tested their lingerie, we've put it on the catwalk, we've heard and taken into account the comments of spectators. We've also taken note of our Facebook customers' feedback on the models sold. All the opinions were clear: this is the lingerie we want to sell. And we were finally ready to take the plunge at 200%.
Diva's Boudoir was born out of frustration, out of a real need to give all women the chance to feel beautiful and sexy. And let's not forget all those husbands and boyfriends who love their wives just the way they are, with their curves. And are happy to finally be able to offer them beautiful lingerie in their size.
We're probably not going to change the world of fashion, but we make people happy, and that more than justifies everything we do every day.